Web Hosting Video Tutorials

Web Hosting Video Tutorials
To make it as easy as possible to setup your web hosting account, we have created a range of simple Web Hosting Video Tutorials. Sit back, relax and watch how to perform most of the common tasks with your web hosting account. cPanel Video Tutorials, SiteBuilder Video Tutorials, Webmail Video Tutorials, WordPress Video Tutorials & more...


Video Tutorials

cPanel Video Tutorials:

cPanel Video Tutorials  Watch all cPanel Video Tutorials...

Video Tutorials

SiteBuilder Video Tutorials:

Video Tutorials

File Transfer Video Tutorials:

Video Tutorials

Email - Client Applications Video Tutorials:

Video Tutorials

Email - Mobile Clients Video Tutorials:

Video Tutorials

Webmail Video Tutorials:

Video Tutorials

phpMyAdmin Video Tutorials:

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WordPress Video Tutorials:

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Baby Web Hosting

Baby Hosting Plan:

  • FREE Setup!
  • 300 MB Disk Storage
  • Unlimited e-mail accounts
  • Only $1.99 per month!

Purchase Baby Plan Now!

Basic Web Hosting

Basic Hosting Plan:

  • FREE Setup!
  • 1000 MB Disk Storage
  • Unlimited e-mail accounts
  • Only $4.99 per month!

Purchase Basic Plan Now!

Unlimited Web Hosting

Unlimited Web Hosting:

  • FREE Setup!
  • Unlimited Disk Storage
  • Unlimited e-mail accounts
  • Only $9.99 per month!

Purchase Unlimited Plan Now!

Client Testimonials

I am absolutely delighted by the quality of service, the range of services available, and the ease of maintenance for our web site. I am enthusiastically recommending SkGold Hosting to all my friends and clients...


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Running a web design company, I appreciate an affordable option that has all the features I need for my clients: an up to date cpanel, standard mysql/php support, and best of all fantastic customer support...


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Good response time, a local presence and the number of options offered in the hosting packages are the main reasons for choosing SkGold Hosting. I had many questions which were all answered promptly & fully...


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